
new favorite!

as i was Eric Ayotte's myspace page and listening to his new song (which are amazing by the way!)
I took a gander at his album design and it is amazing. So of course, I had to go look at the artist who did it and i found Koala. Hes this big hairy guy from New York who paints these amazing pieces! I really love the combination of painting and illustration. plus its on wood so that a definite plus! I dont know, i just really like his work. I think i might try to paint (as soon as i get back from Arlington Sleeps' show tonight...go to it if you can!)



while cleaning out my place, and getting rid of my sister's things that she left here
i have been finding the most amazing treasures!!

-leather mugs with antler handles
-pink floyd magazines
-Kodak slides from 1978

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Cecilian Melophonic record player (not the actaul image)
plays records with the most amazing sound!

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this edition of Dandelion Wine, which i plan to read ASAP!

and so many more things!
can't forget to mention the old welding workshop in the other room, wood paneling all around, and metal scupltures my grandmother made in the 60's.

i think im going to like it here!


if you want to win my heart

buy me the New American Paintings book/magazine that is out this month
it is the eastern edition
therefore, tons of maryland (and surrounding states) artist are in it.
and i dont think i saw an artist i didn't like

anyone who is into art/looking at art-
you should really take a gander at this book.
it has fresh, amazing artists from all sorts of back grounds.
its a must, and i think everyone would enjoy it!

if the book wasn't about $30, I would be a avid subscriber
but i think i might splurge and get it this month
because its all local art, which is amazing.

not to mention, the featured artist on fecalface.com is in the book.
so once again, it MUST be awesome.

i really enjoy this guys work
and the article on him on fecalface.com
its such pleasing art, and yet it is very political
really speaks to the people of today

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more photos and the article at: