
Hello New Blog!

I hope to make this blog more about art and things of higher interests.
in the past, LJ has done me well, but I am ready to grow up -- past the edrama and personal woes -- and share my art, art i think is interesting and things about the art world.
I hope its interesting to some one out there, but if not..oh well.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

by: Ferris Plock & Kelly Tunstall

from my new favorite website.
it is all art all the time, with new emerging artists and blog of artists
its just a great place to get ideas and inspiration.

into the last few days of the semester then summer hits
I plan on keeping to my loft (or grandmother's basement, whatever you prefer)
and doing one painting/drawing/design a day.
acrylic, oil, pen, digital--any sort!
i have something to prove to people
and i plan on proving it!