

while cleaning out my place, and getting rid of my sister's things that she left here
i have been finding the most amazing treasures!!

-leather mugs with antler handles
-pink floyd magazines
-Kodak slides from 1978

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Cecilian Melophonic record player (not the actaul image)
plays records with the most amazing sound!

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this edition of Dandelion Wine, which i plan to read ASAP!

and so many more things!
can't forget to mention the old welding workshop in the other room, wood paneling all around, and metal scupltures my grandmother made in the 60's.

i think im going to like it here!


Natalie Aja said...

moving on the bloggerrrrr
love it haha. (:

|||||||||| said...

my parents just gave me one of those victrolas for our move! but it's a bit darker. it sounds great. i bet those mugs rule.